Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Miraculous Conception of Jesus, and the Abortion Debate.

I understand that this argument will fall on def ears for those who do not believe the Bible is God's Word, who otherwise do not believe in the stories therein, the miraculous conception of Christ and the events that surrounded it.  That's okay.  We should still know what we believe, and this was helpful to me.  As I was reading through Luke recently I had some thoughts strike me as relevant to the abortion debate.

Luke 1:41-42

And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 

Notice what leaped in the womb--a baby.  That is John as a baby while in the womb, leaped.  A baby, not because Elizabeth chose to give birth yet, but because John was a baby in the womb regardless of her choice whether or not to slay him.  Also, notice that the fruit of Mary's womb was blessed, and the cause of his leap.  Now, this "fruit of the womb" that was in Mary, was Jesus at a very early stage of human development.  Yet, He was already blessed for what He was, as He was in the womb.  Blessed not because Mary chose to give birth, but blessed regardless of he choice whether or not to slay Him.  The person of Jesus, in all His humanity, fully God and fully man, was all of that at the earliest stages of development.  He was six months younger than John (verse 26).  He was as much a blessed human when he was fruit in the womb, as when He was a full grown man.  The blessing did not wait for the birth, but it preceded it.  God makes no differentiation, and neither should we.

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