Sunday, March 12, 2017

Woman gets zero likes on Facebook for three years, on her private posts

This post has been moved and can be found at

San Fernando, CA

Beth Logan is relieved, but also a bit heartbroken after realizing that for three painstaking years of zero likes on any of her posts, she had been sharing everything privately to "Only me".  She was the only one who would have been able to see her own posts.

"For a great portion of the last three years I just wondered, 'Is it me? Could I be this out of tune with God?  Am I just unfriendly?  Is it my tone in how I write?'" Beth explained that she believed it all started back when she had made a post to save it for later.  She planned to revisit it, and just shared it as "Only me" so that nobody else could see it until it was ready.  "The post I wrote was about repentance, and sin.  I just figured that's when I lost all my followers, but I was determined to press on in faith."  What followed, was three years of complete and utter silence from any of her friends or family.  "I felt so alone.  Here I was, pouring my heart out into a world I know needed Christ, and I thought nobody cared."

Beth explained she would visit different coffee shops, often sitting down for hours talking to nobody in complete isolation, praying for the words to write in her posts, and asking God to give the increase as she shared what she had to say online exclusively over social media--namely, Facebook.  Then, time and time again after each thoroughly thought through post, zero likes.  "You can't imagine the anguish.  I felt a little bit like Job, and I took comfort in the ministry of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet.  I ordered so many coffees I didn't even really want, just for the hope of witnessing to the baristas at my local coffee shop who would friend me on Facebook.  My plan was to order enough coffees that they would become familiar with my name and face.  Then, I told them they did a great job and I invited them to be my friend on Facebook.  My plan was to be a witness from there.  Most of them accepted my friend request.  Not a single one of them ever liked anything I ever shared, however, and eventually I would just move on to a new coffee shop for a fresh round of the same plan."

When asked about the moment she discovered the private posting problem, she explained how much of a relief it was to finally get that first like.  "I couldn't believe it.  Facebook popped up this warning telling me about it, and I changed it on that very next post.  There was a lot of anxiety, because I thought this was the real deal.  This would be the true test.  People were actually going to see this one, and I was sick to my stomach wondering what the response would finally be.  Then, I actually got like 70 likes on the first post!  So many people said they thought I was never on Facebook, it was good to see me back, long time no see, and that sort of thing.  It was great to be missed and appreciated again.  I knew that God would do great things again through me over the Internet, and I returned to those old coffee shops once again to a staff of mostly entirely new faces to friend up with online so that I could finally share the Gospel with them.  It has been great!  My heart does hurt a little for those years lost, but I know He is in control."

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