Something I noticed in all of this is how much the world holds those who name the Name of Christ, to much higher standards than they hold their own patriarchs, and leaders, in times of crisis--and often themselves as well. While I want to be clear I don't consider Osteen to be a Christian preacher because he doesn't preach the Gospel, it is the world's perception that he is a Christian preacher, so we gauge their response as though he were, if that makes sense. Therefore, one may wonder what the actual capacity of Lakewood Church is in such a crisis, and expect them to act accordingly, benevolently. One may expect them to show Christian charity. Whether or not they *should* is in my opinion, not clear. The Church should of course look out to the broken and weary, but the ongoing support of the church is for the church. So, I will leave opening the doors for refugees up to them and between them and God. That's a longer discussion.
Nevertheless, let's say they definitely *should* open the doors in this situation. That is the expectation. Okay, got it. So a person says they are a Christian, a pastor, a preacher... then open the doors promptly to those in need. Regardless of the heart of those coming for help, their care for God, people have been displaced, and Lakewood (and others who are perceived to be Christians) are expected to open up. Why? Because they are Christians.
So then why is that same expectation not held to everyone else? Why is this expectation not put on say, the Houston Rockets who pays their players millions of dollars per year, and the team itself is estimated to be worth 1.65 BILLION dollars. Yet, they didn't open their doors until just yesterday evening, on August 29th. Where then is the public outcry why this wasn't opened sooner? Where is the scathing, finger wagging, and shaming?
Opening Toyota Center to alleviate any crowding of evacuees at nearby Brown convention center downtown.— Sylvester Turner (@SylvesterTurner) August 29, 2017
I see a hypocrisy, and there is plenty to go around. Joel Osteen, for a number of reasons that I don't need this hurricane to go into. Many of the accusers of his over this issue, holding him to a higher standard than they hold themselves and their own champions of sport. So, where is this expectation, and scorn due to failing to meet those expectations, coming from?
Here is a surprising impartial opinion of the situation, by a heavily left-leaning group.
People are right I think to point out the hypocrisy of a church that makes millions and millions of dollars, Osteen himself who has a networth somewhere around $55 million, and lives in a $10.5 million dollar home. These are like breadcrumbs, and it seems like a man who just doesn't want to be inconvenienced. Okay, I get it. What about all the people complaining, though--do you have any disposable income you can award the displaced? You live somewhere that you call home, so are you housing them? Do you have room for just one person, and have you filled the vacancy? Is it perhaps, two people, or three you would really have room for? What is your capacity based on what you have and what you make, and are you filling it? What about your beloved Houston Rockets, and the Toyota Center? Why did it take until only 24 hours ago, to open the doors?
To Christians, I would ask the same thing. If Joel Osteens church can home say, 5,000 displaced, and you are complaining about his hypocrisy--will your doors be open, if just one of them came knocking?