Psalm 34:1
I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Do you ever find yourself singing a song with lyrics that convict you a bit. When you consider the words, you can't sing them with real honesty because you feel it isn't really true? For example, perhaps the lyrics sing that you will never turn away from God. But, don't we all turn away from God when we sin? Perhaps the lyrics claim your heart is totally tuned into God, or that your eyes are totally fixed on Him, always. But, how many times in your life is this actually true, compared to the times it is not true? Or, perhaps lyrics that sing you will never forget God. But, I start to think, "Oh Lord, how quickly I do forget? How can I sing this song right now? You get the idea, I think.
The problem is, I know my nature and my heart just a bit, and I know that God knows it much better than I do. I can't hide my hypocricy from God. How can I sing praises to Him with words that claim I walk so perfectly, so blamelessly, and so continually before Him? Give me a song like, "How quickly we forget"--now that's a song I can sing with honesty!
David offers a pretty high claim in his song, starting off in verse one with, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Really, David--at all times? I can probably think of at least one time after this where you didn't bless the Lord. Yet, God speaks to us through many Psalms of David, prophetically at times, still today.
Here is something I came to understand awhile back that has really helped me with this issue feeling like a hypocrite singing songs with words like Psalm 34:1. And, I think the key to this issue is found at the end of Psalm 34 in verse 22: "The Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned."
Someday, we'll be in heaven. Sing like you know it; someday in heaven when you are rescued and not condemned. Put yourself before the throne of grace, as you know is God's will, where you can come boldly because of the completed work He has done. Bring your emotions subject to the promise of God that someday, you will be with Him forever. And, His praises will indeed forever be on your lips; you will indeed bless the Lord at all times because the Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
Now, it's true if there is sin we need to repent. If we have our gift before the alter and remember our brother may have something against us, we should leave our gift there and go to that brother/sister first (Matthew 5:23-24). However, if that's all taken care of, then bring your gift. Put yourself in heaven and realize that someday all of those songs you sing about continually praising God, will be absolutely true. It is His will to save you. Submit to that will, and praise God like you know He desires. He died to make such a thing possible for you.
John 4:23
The problem is, I know my nature and my heart just a bit, and I know that God knows it much better than I do. I can't hide my hypocricy from God. How can I sing praises to Him with words that claim I walk so perfectly, so blamelessly, and so continually before Him? Give me a song like, "How quickly we forget"--now that's a song I can sing with honesty!
David offers a pretty high claim in his song, starting off in verse one with, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Really, David--at all times? I can probably think of at least one time after this where you didn't bless the Lord. Yet, God speaks to us through many Psalms of David, prophetically at times, still today.
Here is something I came to understand awhile back that has really helped me with this issue feeling like a hypocrite singing songs with words like Psalm 34:1. And, I think the key to this issue is found at the end of Psalm 34 in verse 22: "The Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned."
Someday, we'll be in heaven. Sing like you know it; someday in heaven when you are rescued and not condemned. Put yourself before the throne of grace, as you know is God's will, where you can come boldly because of the completed work He has done. Bring your emotions subject to the promise of God that someday, you will be with Him forever. And, His praises will indeed forever be on your lips; you will indeed bless the Lord at all times because the Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
Now, it's true if there is sin we need to repent. If we have our gift before the alter and remember our brother may have something against us, we should leave our gift there and go to that brother/sister first (Matthew 5:23-24). However, if that's all taken care of, then bring your gift. Put yourself in heaven and realize that someday all of those songs you sing about continually praising God, will be absolutely true. It is His will to save you. Submit to that will, and praise God like you know He desires. He died to make such a thing possible for you.
John 4:23
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
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