Thursday, January 24, 2013

Psalm 84:10 [ESV]

For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

Think about that for just a minute.  Really think about it...

Now, if you didn't think about it... go back and do it.  Stop and think about it.  Slow down in this life... and take in God's Word.  Stop, go back... read it again and think about it.


Now that you have thought about it, is it true?  Which part?  The first part or the second?  Yes, there are two parts--go back and read...

*First we acknowledge in our mind that a single day with God is better than a thousand days on this Earth.

*Second, we accept in our hearts and commit to rather being a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

How about you?  Do you realize both, just one of them, or perhap neither?  I will suggest that it is not enough to merely acknowledge the first part that it is better to be in the courts of God.  That part is easy for me.  A single day in the presence of God is better than a thousand days on the Earth in this age. I accept that.  Now to the second part.  This takes commitment and action that is much harder to accept. It requires choices and desires that will result in change.  We need to commit our hearts to whatever it takes to really fulfill the second part--choices that will change the very shape and image you take on in life; molded by decisions that are truly based on God's Word, which you will keep in your heart at all times.

What are you striving for?  Is it monetary riches or fame?  Is it a better house, a bigger barn, or a faster mule merely for the sake of your own life on this Earth?  Or, do you strive to be truly rich in heaven?  Do you strive to be considered good among your peers on Earth, or good among your peers in courts of God (namely, God Himself, of course) in heaven?

What are you fighting for?  Is it your guns rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or the right to party?  Or, is it that you name the Name of Christ with ingegrity and honor, with humility and faith in the sovereign Lord Who gives us eternal life--that you would truly seek Him and serve Him all the days of the life He has given you?

Hard questions we all (myself included) need to answer on a daily, moment to moment basis.

Knowing that this is true:  For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.

There is no doubt that is true.  Think about it... acknowledge it... and decide on the second part.  Can you decide what is best?

I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

What is true, for you?  What is truly, true?

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