Friday, December 7, 2012

Righteous and true are His judgments

Revelation 19:1-2a...
After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God! For true and righteous are His judgments...


Ever struggle over the sovereignty of God?  Who can be saved?  What about the people who never hear... what about the drunk who is drowned in his sorrows and dies that way?  Where does the will of God and the will of man come together?

I have greatly.  If I'm honest (and I should be), then I have to say I still sometimes do.  When it's all said and done, how will God explain all the things He has done in our hearts... to save some, while others are damned.  Not that God needs to offer us, His clay pots, an explanation for His works as if we were entitled.  But, we seek to understand things and sometimes life is hard as the things we treasure are torn away.  We seek to understand God's will, and so we do seek an explanation from God on a many number of things in life.  The young boy who dies in a car accident... or the young girl who is raped and murdered.  Look to the future.  The book of Revelation 19 gives us a picture of what will be said of God, by those in the know, when all things are laid bear.

Righteous and true are His judgments...

Remember what we've been told they will be saying, and look forward to the time when you will be saying it too.  Not just as people who look forward in faith... but as they are saying it while looking back, in fact.  Everything is laid bear, judgment has come... and they cry out, "Righteous and true are His judgments".  That's what they will be saying then, and that's what we can believe now.

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