Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Conversion of Kanye West "Jesus is King"

"Now that God has called me and I now have given my life to Jesus Christ, and I work for God"

Kimmel: "Would you consider yourself to be a Christian artist now"

Kanye: "I'm just a Christian everything"

Why is this exciting? Let's put this into perspective. God is the God who leaves the 99 to seek and save the one lost. Kanye--if indeed his conversion is genuine--is one of many people who have been lost and saved, putting his or her trust in Christ for salvation. In that regard, whether rich or poor, Kanye is equally important and unimportant. If he is a brother, he is an equal brother no greater or lesser than any other. We should all welcome Kanye as a brother with open arms, as we do any person who comes to faith in Jesus.

What makes it exciting, however, is to see someone who appears to be so far reprobate in our human view, coming to know Christ. It is the exact opposite feeling we get when someone like Joshua Harris, or a thought-to-be solid believer, leaves the faith to embrace the world and we wonder "how can it be?". That same shock, and disappointment, is shock and praise when someone such as Kanye West--famous in the world's eyes-- believes.

Let's pray that his conversion is and will indeed be proven genuine; that God would protect him from temptation and deliver him from evil. There is no doubt many people, and those who may call themselves Christians (wolves such as Joel Osteen, who has already reportedly invited him to his "church") will seek to cash in on Kanye and corrupt him. I pray God would give him wisdom to say yes to what is good, and no to what is bad, and contend for the faith.

Remember from where Kanye has come, and he is a very new Christian. Remember also, this does not redeem his previous musical works.  Those were by his old man.  We should no more embrace them than we should the works of our old man. Kanye has great fame, but don't be distracted or disillusioned. Do not be excited by great fame, but by God's great mercy.  It is not fame that saves, and anyone who is enticed into Christianity by fame (of Kanye or anyone else), is no convert at all. It may be some peoples' fame, however, that gives a platform to help bring the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. I pray that is the case with Kanye.

Monday, August 5, 2019

On the Mind of Christ

Listen here, and consider this.
There are several things Christians generally believe, in accordance to Scriptures:
God is all knowing--so much so, that He even knows us before we are born (Jeremiah 1:5).
Out of billions of people on Earth, God can hear our prayers uniquely and is sovereign to answer them specifically (Isaiah 38:5; Daniel 10:12).
Jesus is the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8).
For whoever becomes a follower of Christ, there is rejoicing for you personally as God saves you, intimately (Luke 15:7).
He knows who will be saved (Romans 8:29)
Hebrews 12:2 says, "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."
Now, for the thought that all of this gives me, to ponder. When Jesus went to the cross and suffered there--among the many innumerable things that must be in the immeasurable "mind of God'--you were on His mind specifically. As He suffered there, and endured the shame, you (your name here), and I, were there, uniquely and personally. Not just as an inseparable ether of past and future believers, or masses of indistinguishable faces who may or may not believe some day, but you--your face before him, and you by name, your person uniquely, were on His mind.
"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are." -1 John 3:1a

Monday, January 15, 2018

Martin Luther King Jr. Had a Dream

MARTIN LUTHER KING JUNIOR SAID, "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character"
Men and women everywhere should believe like Martin Luther King Jr.. Not because of this belief alone, but because of something else. The Bible spoke that such a day of judgment irrespective of a man's skin color, was forthcoming, regardless of the courts of Earth. This is what the Bible calls the day of judgment.
On this day, not only will the color of our skin be unable to save us, or condemn us, but so to our family, our friends, our money, our God-given level of intelligence, or strength. Even being anti-racism, will not save you. God has given us each talents, gifts, and abilities, and each of us has a propensity for sins of all kinds and various degrees--secretive or exposed. Likewise, each of us will stand naked before a God before Whom all things are laid bare, to give an account of ourselves alone without anyone or anything else to make our defense. Yet, there will be no defense we can offer, for He knows us to our utmost.
The book of Revelation speaks of that day having a "book of life" wherein those who believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, having the same faith of Abraham would have their names written. This God, who sent His Son Jesus to die for the sins of the world. Those who are in this book are there because they are saved from their sins by Him, through faith (not of works lest any man should boast), and those who are not in that book will be judged according to his or her own works. It says in Revelation 20:12-14,
"And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."
Martin Luther King, for all his advocacy for rights being made equal on Earth irrespective to the color of a man's skin, and had a dream that on this Earth it would be realized, believed foremost that God would indeed judge each person according to his deeds and not His skin, someday. That judgment will be 100%, condemnation for all sinners who die in their sins, and unless that person's name is in the book of life, will be damned.
While it is good to believe like Martin Luther King Jr. about the equality of people irrespective of their skin, it is not enough to save you, and many who believe in equality will be doomed in their unbelief that left them "holding the bag" of their own many other sins that find each one of us guilty apart from HIS WORK.
Do not just have a dream, but have salvation.
"For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:11-13)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What If Osteen, Lakewood, And Their Accusers, Are All Hypocrites?

Joel Osteen came under fire for not being prompt in opening the doors of his Houston, TX, megachurch, Lakewood Church.  I'll let you do your own research on it, but he has since given response to the criticism, and you can judge for yourselves.  Lakewood Church is a huge building, which is the former home of the Houston Rockets NBA basketball team.  Now, it is a church.  Osteen came under fire for not making sure the church doors were open speedily enough (they are open now).

Something I noticed in all of this is how much the world holds those who name the Name of Christ, to much higher standards than they hold their own patriarchs, and leaders, in times of crisis--and often themselves as well.  While I want to be clear I don't consider Osteen to be a Christian preacher because he doesn't preach the Gospel, it is the world's perception that he is a Christian preacher, so we gauge their response as though he were, if that makes sense.  Therefore, one may wonder what the actual capacity of Lakewood Church is in such a crisis, and expect them to act accordingly, benevolently.  One may expect them to show Christian charity.  Whether or not they *should* is in my opinion, not clear.  The Church should of course look out to the broken and weary, but the ongoing support of the church is for the church.  So, I will leave opening the doors for refugees up to them and between them and God.  That's a longer discussion.

Nevertheless, let's say they definitely *should* open the doors in this situation.  That is the expectation.  Okay, got it.  So a person says they are a Christian, a pastor, a preacher... then open the doors promptly to those in need.  Regardless of the heart of those coming for help, their care for God, people have been displaced, and Lakewood (and others who are perceived to be Christians) are expected to open up.  Why?  Because they are Christians.

So then why is that same expectation not held to everyone else? Why is this expectation not put on say, the Houston Rockets who pays their players millions of dollars per year, and the team itself is estimated to be worth 1.65 BILLION dollars.  Yet, they didn't open their doors until just yesterday evening, on August 29th.  Where then is the public outcry why this wasn't opened sooner?  Where is the scathing, finger wagging, and shaming?

I see a hypocrisy, and there is plenty to go around.  Joel Osteen, for a number of reasons that I don't need this hurricane to go into.  Many of the accusers of his over this issue, holding him to a higher standard than they hold themselves and their own champions of sport.  So, where is this expectation, and scorn due to failing to meet those expectations, coming from?

Here is a surprising impartial opinion of the situation, by a heavily left-leaning group.

People are right I think to point out the hypocrisy of a church that makes millions and millions of dollars, Osteen himself who has a networth somewhere around $55 million, and lives in a $10.5 million dollar home.  These are like breadcrumbs, and it seems like a man who just doesn't want to be inconvenienced.  Okay, I get it.  What about all the people complaining, though--do you have any disposable income you can award the displaced? You live somewhere that you call home, so are you housing them?  Do you have room for just one person, and have you filled the vacancy? Is it perhaps, two people, or three you would really have room for? What is your capacity based on what you have and what you make, and are you filling it?  What about your beloved Houston Rockets, and the Toyota Center?  Why did it take until only 24 hours ago, to open the doors?

To Christians, I would ask the same thing.  If Joel Osteens church can home say, 5,000 displaced, and you are complaining about his hypocrisy--will your doors be open, if just one of them came knocking?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Should I Take Part in an "Easter Egg" Hunt?

I think the question of whether or not we should eat the candy, and whether or not we should participate in such events, are different things.  I believe we need to separate these two things, and understand them differently for what they actually are.

So far as actually buying and eating the candy is concerned, it is a little bit like whether or not we should buy discount meat at the market to eat, even though we know it's been sacrificed to an idol.  Ultimately, it is explained to us, and should be understood as okay to do so.  (1 Corinthians 8).  I will buy and I will eat.  It is just chocolate, and the Lord is God over all food.  He makes all food pure to me.  The idol has no power over me as I consume food that was dedicated to it.

However, I would put forward that eating chocolate eggs and joining in on the festive hunts, are two different things.  In the case of an "Easter egg" hunt, "Easter bunnies", and the like... the idol is that vain imagination that brings them forth and keeps them alive.  The sacrifice is the food (candy) made specifically, and set aside for conjuring up their image and vain beliefs each year.

Is it wrong to go get some free or cheap candy?  No.  But, if we delight in the hunt that is made possible by these vain thoughts about mystical bunnies and the like, are we not also celebrating the same things that day?  The strange idolization of a make-believe bunny, and the eggs it brings.  When we join the hunt, I believe we have moved from liberty to idolatry.

So while I will buy egg candies or eat them freely with a clear conscience, I will not participate in the making merry at events that idolize such thoughts.  I will buy discount "Easter candy" that this mystical make-believe bunny who has no actual power is said to visit, the day after when I visit the grocery store for a 50-75% discount on chocolate.  I may take some chocolate eggs if someone offers me some.  I will eat that with a clear conscience, even though I despise the idolatry that brought them forth.  There are no true gods, but One God.  I won't, however, join in on the idolatrous festivities that exist to bring there deception and distractions forth each year.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Woman gets zero likes on Facebook for three years, on her private posts

This post has been moved and can be found at

San Fernando, CA

Beth Logan is relieved, but also a bit heartbroken after realizing that for three painstaking years of zero likes on any of her posts, she had been sharing everything privately to "Only me".  She was the only one who would have been able to see her own posts.

"For a great portion of the last three years I just wondered, 'Is it me? Could I be this out of tune with God?  Am I just unfriendly?  Is it my tone in how I write?'" Beth explained that she believed it all started back when she had made a post to save it for later.  She planned to revisit it, and just shared it as "Only me" so that nobody else could see it until it was ready.  "The post I wrote was about repentance, and sin.  I just figured that's when I lost all my followers, but I was determined to press on in faith."  What followed, was three years of complete and utter silence from any of her friends or family.  "I felt so alone.  Here I was, pouring my heart out into a world I know needed Christ, and I thought nobody cared."

Beth explained she would visit different coffee shops, often sitting down for hours talking to nobody in complete isolation, praying for the words to write in her posts, and asking God to give the increase as she shared what she had to say online exclusively over social media--namely, Facebook.  Then, time and time again after each thoroughly thought through post, zero likes.  "You can't imagine the anguish.  I felt a little bit like Job, and I took comfort in the ministry of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet.  I ordered so many coffees I didn't even really want, just for the hope of witnessing to the baristas at my local coffee shop who would friend me on Facebook.  My plan was to order enough coffees that they would become familiar with my name and face.  Then, I told them they did a great job and I invited them to be my friend on Facebook.  My plan was to be a witness from there.  Most of them accepted my friend request.  Not a single one of them ever liked anything I ever shared, however, and eventually I would just move on to a new coffee shop for a fresh round of the same plan."

When asked about the moment she discovered the private posting problem, she explained how much of a relief it was to finally get that first like.  "I couldn't believe it.  Facebook popped up this warning telling me about it, and I changed it on that very next post.  There was a lot of anxiety, because I thought this was the real deal.  This would be the true test.  People were actually going to see this one, and I was sick to my stomach wondering what the response would finally be.  Then, I actually got like 70 likes on the first post!  So many people said they thought I was never on Facebook, it was good to see me back, long time no see, and that sort of thing.  It was great to be missed and appreciated again.  I knew that God would do great things again through me over the Internet, and I returned to those old coffee shops once again to a staff of mostly entirely new faces to friend up with online so that I could finally share the Gospel with them.  It has been great!  My heart does hurt a little for those years lost, but I know He is in control."

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Christian and Classic-Car Enthusiast Won't Attend Church or Use Garage

This post has been moved and can be found at

Self-proclaimed lover of God and of automobiles, Howard Durst of Topeka, KS, doesn't attend church except on the occasional holiday, and does not garage any of his cars.  What some would see as apparent neglect of a long-time family heirloom, the 1957 baby-blue Chevy Bel Air just sits there most of the time.  "Just like me.  It never goes in the garage, but it's still a car and I'm an enthusiast.  I don't go to church, but I still believe in God and I'm a Christian!"

Durst says that the condition of his soul and of his car is really something personal between him and God, and isn't subject to traditional means of understanding of thoughts and action.  Though there are many options for attending a local church in his area and he has an attached garage, he makes use of neither.  Howard explained, "I am what I am, regardless of what people think.  My relationship with God is very personal, and so is my car care."

When questioned on this seeming contradiction as to why he is letting his car sit out on the street, in the elements and where thieves can break in easily; all while claiming to be a classic-car enthusiast, Howard told us, "You don't know how many times I've been asked that.  Many people think they can judge me, or judge my car, but they don't know me and they don't know my car.  I don't have to go to church to be a Christian--you must know this.  I know you do.  I also don't have to garage my 1957 Chevy in order to be a car enthusiast.  Look at her sitting out there in the Sun all warm and radiant.  Aint' she a beaut?".  Holding a can of beer and shaking it in the general direction of the bird-poop laden classic, he went on.  "You see a rusty, chipping, and barely running hunk of junk, but what I see is pure beauty just the way the engineers at Chevy intended it.  You think they meant for it to just sit in a garage, well-taken care of, well maintained, and all that nonsense?  I don't believe in organized car care.  I'm my own man, and she is her own car.  Look at her.  She is in her element, can't you see?  Sitting out there like that, wow."  Howard let out a loud belch, "YES SSIIIIIIRRRRRRR!"

Just then as we stared at it outside, a child across the street kicked a ball into the side mirror, twisting it about.  I looked at Howard and my eyes were wide, expecting at this point  he would get up and say something about what we just saw.  To my amazement he just sat there calm and collected.  He commented, "Lookie, there, more character!"  Howard crushed the beer can onto his forehead, and threw it into a pile in the corner.   Nearby were dusty hot rod magazines and a lone Bible--all of it covered in beer splatter from years of non-use.

As I was pulling away from Howard's home that day, I stopped to watch him as he went out to pick up the side mirror that had fallen off at this point.   Howard briefly tried to stick it back on, but with very little effort it proved fruitless and he gave up after only a few seconds   Walking with it in hand back up to the house, he threw the side mirror it into the garbage can outside with an impressive moving hook shot, followed by a fist pump celebration.