Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Should I Take Part in an "Easter Egg" Hunt?

I think the question of whether or not we should eat the candy, and whether or not we should participate in such events, are different things.  I believe we need to separate these two things, and understand them differently for what they actually are.

So far as actually buying and eating the candy is concerned, it is a little bit like whether or not we should buy discount meat at the market to eat, even though we know it's been sacrificed to an idol.  Ultimately, it is explained to us, and should be understood as okay to do so.  (1 Corinthians 8).  I will buy and I will eat.  It is just chocolate, and the Lord is God over all food.  He makes all food pure to me.  The idol has no power over me as I consume food that was dedicated to it.

However, I would put forward that eating chocolate eggs and joining in on the festive hunts, are two different things.  In the case of an "Easter egg" hunt, "Easter bunnies", and the like... the idol is that vain imagination that brings them forth and keeps them alive.  The sacrifice is the food (candy) made specifically, and set aside for conjuring up their image and vain beliefs each year.

Is it wrong to go get some free or cheap candy?  No.  But, if we delight in the hunt that is made possible by these vain thoughts about mystical bunnies and the like, are we not also celebrating the same things that day?  The strange idolization of a make-believe bunny, and the eggs it brings.  When we join the hunt, I believe we have moved from liberty to idolatry.

So while I will buy egg candies or eat them freely with a clear conscience, I will not participate in the making merry at events that idolize such thoughts.  I will buy discount "Easter candy" that this mystical make-believe bunny who has no actual power is said to visit, the day after when I visit the grocery store for a 50-75% discount on chocolate.  I may take some chocolate eggs if someone offers me some.  I will eat that with a clear conscience, even though I despise the idolatry that brought them forth.  There are no true gods, but One God.  I won't, however, join in on the idolatrous festivities that exist to bring there deception and distractions forth each year.