Friday, April 11, 2014

The Risen Teacher

Jesus had been crucified and placed in a tomb. The discovery that He has risen is about to be made; Peter and John have seen that Jesus's body is missing, and Mary is there as well.

(John 20:11-16)

11 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb

Tears are rolling down her face as she misses Jesus. Not just the living Jesus, but she actually misses the dead Jesus (his body). Looking to the tomb where Jesus' body once was, sadness comes over her as she realizes He is gone. He had been dead for multiple days, but His body is gone and this has Mary sad. So concerned with the dead physical body of Jesus, she almost misses the resurrected living Jesus. Some people are really fascinated with the physical body that Jesus once had on Earth. They want to see the shroud that once covered His face in the tomb because they feel that some physical relic would provide a sort of resolution for the mystery in their heart about where He has been or Who He was. But alas, it is not the imprinted likeness of the face of a dead Jesus that will satisfy your soul. Only the living Jesus can do that. Perhaps if she had fully known the promises of God by His Word and had faith, then she would not be sad here; perhaps. But, Jesus will have mercy on her regardless.

12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. 13a They asked her,“Woman, why are you crying?”

Why are these angels here? They seem rather curious (1 Peter 1:12). These are angels who did not rebel and are not to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus have difficulty comprehending, even as angels of God. The work of the Gospel to save those who have rebelled against God, seems a mystery to them. Now is their chance, and perhaps they're meeting that desire to look into these things, by checking in on Mary whom is one of these people God has shown such affection for.

13b“They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.”

Who can take the Lord anywhere He doesn't want to go? Nobody. Herein lies the problem with her grief, and it's for this reason Jesus will probe her (about faith). Look at what she said again. "I don't KNOW where THEY have put him." You should KNOW that THEY cannot have any power that is not given them and Jesus is exactly where He needs to be (John 19:11; Luke 2:49). She is without knowledge or understanding of the location of Jesus. Worse yet, what have those diabolical people done to his body? All of this, encompassed by the misunderstanding that Jesus would not rise from the dead. Has anyone taken Jesus away? If so, what would they have done with the body? Terrible things, and dishonorable things for certain. Bring my Jesus back! If only the Lord had the power to stop bad things from happening, Jesus' body would still be here where it ought to be--dead and lifeless in the darkness of this unmarked grave. Things would be much better, then.

Crazy the things that cause us to worry, isn't it? I'm so thankful that my expectations are not always met by God giving me what I want or think is most reasonable. His plans are so much better! She will soon find out, He has risen!

14At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.
15a He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”

Have you ever felt like Jesus just wasn't around, later to find He was right in front of you the whole time? Perhaps you couldn't see Him through your blubbering. We do often blubber, in many ways--sometimes with tears, sometimes without. We whine, we complain, we rant, and we cry. We might say the angels were just being curious. But we know Jesus knows what Mary seeks and He asks here anyways. Tell me Mary, speak it. Say why it is you cry, and just Who it is you seek. I want to hear you say it. Did you know God wants to talk to you, even though He already knows what's in your heart?

15bThinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”

Here she is again, wanting Jesus back in the tomb where He can be safe and sound. At least if He is in one place then we can come back and memorialize Him at our convenience, have a firm hold on where He is at all of the time. Then we can grieve over the life He once lived and remember Him for Who He once was. If His dead and lifeless corpse isn't where I expect it to be, how then will I ever have rest in my soul? He could be anywhere! He is risen, Mary, mobile and agile; standing before you right now, alive and well! While her mind is on putting Him back into the grave, Jesus' mind is on taking her out of it; full of life before her.

Not to be critical of Mary, she obviously loved Jesus. Fact is, I can see myself in her. She was in a lost state of mind, not knowing the things Jesus said He would do (namely, rise again) and without hope. She is thinking that God would let the righteous be forsaken (Psalm 37:25) with no way of redeeming an otherwise bleak situation. Been there. If He is your Lord, do you not believe He has a plan? Hey you, He never intended to remain in the grave, and the things that worry you are much smaller matters than what He can handle. That sin that once plagued your soul? He made the way straight, and put you from them as far as the east is from the west. What has been done for you on the cross is much weightier, and much more freeing.  He has taken care of your greatest need.  He has risen!

16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.”
She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means“Teacher”).

Have you ever heard Him call your name? When you were first saved, or any one of many times after? It's a great blessing for a believer that we get to hear Jesus call our name. And, we wake up! I'm thankful that He knows my name, and even if I am looking for Jesus in all the wrong places; in the most seemingly logical of places, albeit incorrect ones, He knows how to bring me back to focus. I'm thankful that when I am lost and blubbering because of matters I am misunderstanding, and not seeing clearly through my tears, He calls my name.

What is our response when Jesus calls?  I suggest this is what separates the sheep from the goats. Do you respond? Have you ever responded? Do you call Him, Teacher? The single Teacher above all teachers to give guidance to your heart, mind, body, and soul? Not just Mr. Nice Savior Guy... but Teacher? Has He taught you things, personally? Do you know Him as the lover of your soul? Does Jesus know your name, and do you hear Him when you're in a bleak situation? Do you hear Jesus calling? He wants to show you what's really going on, and that He has a greater plan than the thoughts running through your mind right now that have you down.

Is it faint? Is He blurry? That's enough. Call Him teacher, and He will teach you everything you need to know.