Because what
we really need this season, or any season, is more lies and teaching by dumb
idols that don't speak. Because the truth, reality, and nature of God in this
world--revealed by His Word and Spirit--just isn't enough and needs a little
sprucing up around the holidays to make things fun. When the Word of God
isn't speaking to you loudly or clearly enough to bring your heart gladness,
just create things that do. Surely the truth in their guidance and consistency
of their watching eyes will subdue sinful hearts and bring joy to an otherwise
boring and empty place or season.
18 “Of what value is an idol carved by a
Or an image that teaches lies?
For the one who makes it trusts in his own creation;
he makes idols that cannot speak.
Or an image that teaches lies?
For the one who makes it trusts in his own creation;
he makes idols that cannot speak.
19 Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Come to life!’
Or to lifeless stone, ‘Wake up!’
Can it give guidance?
It is covered with gold and silver;
there is no breath in it.”
Or to lifeless stone, ‘Wake up!’
Can it give guidance?
It is covered with gold and silver;
there is no breath in it.”
20 The Lord is in his holy temple;
let all the earth be silent before him.
let all the earth be silent before him.
(Habakkuk 2:18-20)
“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
(Psalm 91:14-16)
(Psalm 91:14-16)
Do you want
your children to have TRUE joy--YEAR ROUND? Teach them and others the TRUTH;
show them what a JOY it is to DELIGHT IN IT! DELIGHT IN HIM! Lord, fill us with
Your joy! God may we cast down all lies and false idols that we can so easily
adopt when lead astray. May Your Words of life cause us to live for YOU!
brothers and sisters, children of the MOST HIGH! We must acknowledge these silly and vain things for what they are. They are idols we are assigning thought and personality to, which do not have thought or personality. It's an idol in every sense of the word--literally, truly. If you have an elf on the
shelf, and it so happens to be sitting on the mantel above a fireplace, then it
would be fitting that you send it to its rightful place. Please strike a match,
light a fire, and send the elf about 3 feet below. You can do it now, or the
Lord can do it later. If you don't have a fireplace, this is just one suggested
method of destroying it. The garbage will suffice.
For the sake of Him Who has called us apart in this world and awakened us by His Spirit; Who teaches us truth and Who has spoken--be done with the teaching of lies, and chasing after things we know are not true and cannot bring life. See this, and things alike, for what it is. These lifeless things are lifeless, and add NOTHING to our growth. We think they bring joy, but secretly they bring destruction. Search your heart, and see why the teaching that an inanimate object would speak, think, and have any intelligible actions at all would bring us delight. If we are this removed from reality in ascribing the supernatural to that which is not supernatural (a silly elf we lie about), it is truly a testament to where we are with God, who really is supernatural. Do we even know the difference? God gives abundant life, truly speaks the truth, and watches at all times to truly build up those Who seek Him. He loves you so much, He just can't keep His eyes off of you!
For the sake of Him Who has called us apart in this world and awakened us by His Spirit; Who teaches us truth and Who has spoken--be done with the teaching of lies, and chasing after things we know are not true and cannot bring life. See this, and things alike, for what it is. These lifeless things are lifeless, and add NOTHING to our growth. We think they bring joy, but secretly they bring destruction. Search your heart, and see why the teaching that an inanimate object would speak, think, and have any intelligible actions at all would bring us delight. If we are this removed from reality in ascribing the supernatural to that which is not supernatural (a silly elf we lie about), it is truly a testament to where we are with God, who really is supernatural. Do we even know the difference? God gives abundant life, truly speaks the truth, and watches at all times to truly build up those Who seek Him. He loves you so much, He just can't keep His eyes off of you!
27 Moved by the
Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child
Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, 28 Simeon took him in his arms and
praised God, saying:
29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31 which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and the glory of your people Israel.”
you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31 which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and the glory of your people Israel.”
33 The child’s
father and mother marveled at what was said about him. 34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child
is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign
that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword
will pierce your own soul too.”